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Полная версия: How many hours should a PGCE student teach?
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Hey everyone, I'm in the middle of my PGCE and I'm wondering how you found teaching hours. My placement school expects me to teach 12 hours a week, but I have friends who are teaching as few as 6 hours a week or as many as 20 hours a week in other schools. How many hours do you teach per week?  Do you think it is too much, too little, or just right?

How does it affect your lesson planning and university assignments?  On a related note, how are you coping with  PGCE assignment help ? Currently, I am struggling to manage between teaching, planning, and academic activities. Have you come across any useful tips or resources? I still want to get as much classroom experience as possible without getting tired. Any suggestions from current PGCE students or recent graduates would be really useful! In addition, to any current/experienced teachers – what would you consider the maximum teaching load for teaching a PGCE student?