03-27-2023, 11:03 PM
Home ways to expel ants
Cultivation of ant-repelling spices and spices: Some herbs and spices affect ants effectively, and contribute to expelling them from their nesting areas and presence due to their strong characteristics and smells, which can be planted in the yard of the house, to repel ants and drive them away, such as: seedlings of mint, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, and cloves, garlic, and others, and it can also be distributed around the house or in the places where it is
such as making a line of garlic cloves around the areas of its movement and its distances.
Wiping surfaces with bleach: bleach removes the smell of pheromones that swarms of ants follow and catch up with each other, and thus it disperses the ants and makes them lose the right path to catch up with each other, and it is used by wiping different surfaces, and places where ants walk or are suspected of being there, such as cabinets, the surface of the refrigerator, and tables and others.
Flour powder: Flour expels swarms of ants, as well as prevents them from crawling and moving around, targeting food and foodstuffs in cabinets, and is used by sprinkling a layer of it around food preservation cabinets, and on holes and openings that it uses to enter the house.
Double-sided adhesive tapes: These are tapes that contain adhesive materials on both sides, top and bottom, and are used to protect cabinets and food preservation places from ants, by forming a barrier around cabinets, sticking one of its sides to the ground and leaving the other side; So that swarms of ants stick to it when they approach and try to get into the cupboards.
natural ant repellents
Diatomaceous earth: It is a powder made of silica and the remains of aquatic organisms known as diatoms. It is an effective natural insecticide that eliminates ants and other household pests by drying and exterminating them. The method of use is available in detail according to each type, as well. It is advised to avoid getting it on the cheeks and face; Because it may cause irritation and sensitivity.
Aromatic oils and essential oils: Some essential and aromatic oils are used to eliminate and exterminate domestic ants, by soaking cotton balls and saturating them with these oils, then placing them on the ant sites, and changing them regularly to obtain effective results, and among these oils:
Lemon Eucalyptus Oil.
peppermint oil.
tea tree oil
Cinnamon essential oil.
Neem tree oil.
خدمات منزلية بالدمام
طريقة رش المبيدات الحشرية في المنزل
مكافحة الصراصير بالعجينة السحرية بالرياض
Cultivation of ant-repelling spices and spices: Some herbs and spices affect ants effectively, and contribute to expelling them from their nesting areas and presence due to their strong characteristics and smells, which can be planted in the yard of the house, to repel ants and drive them away, such as: seedlings of mint, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, and cloves, garlic, and others, and it can also be distributed around the house or in the places where it is
such as making a line of garlic cloves around the areas of its movement and its distances.
Wiping surfaces with bleach: bleach removes the smell of pheromones that swarms of ants follow and catch up with each other, and thus it disperses the ants and makes them lose the right path to catch up with each other, and it is used by wiping different surfaces, and places where ants walk or are suspected of being there, such as cabinets, the surface of the refrigerator, and tables and others.
Flour powder: Flour expels swarms of ants, as well as prevents them from crawling and moving around, targeting food and foodstuffs in cabinets, and is used by sprinkling a layer of it around food preservation cabinets, and on holes and openings that it uses to enter the house.
Double-sided adhesive tapes: These are tapes that contain adhesive materials on both sides, top and bottom, and are used to protect cabinets and food preservation places from ants, by forming a barrier around cabinets, sticking one of its sides to the ground and leaving the other side; So that swarms of ants stick to it when they approach and try to get into the cupboards.
natural ant repellents
Diatomaceous earth: It is a powder made of silica and the remains of aquatic organisms known as diatoms. It is an effective natural insecticide that eliminates ants and other household pests by drying and exterminating them. The method of use is available in detail according to each type, as well. It is advised to avoid getting it on the cheeks and face; Because it may cause irritation and sensitivity.
Aromatic oils and essential oils: Some essential and aromatic oils are used to eliminate and exterminate domestic ants, by soaking cotton balls and saturating them with these oils, then placing them on the ant sites, and changing them regularly to obtain effective results, and among these oils:
Lemon Eucalyptus Oil.
peppermint oil.
tea tree oil
Cinnamon essential oil.
Neem tree oil.
خدمات منزلية بالدمام
طريقة رش المبيدات الحشرية في المنزل
مكافحة الصراصير بالعجينة السحرية بالرياض