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Elon Musk was star guest this year at an annual conference organized by Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party.
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He arrived against the backdrop of an ice-skating rink and an ancient castle in Rome with one of his 11 children to tout the value of procreation.

Italy has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, and Musk urged the crowd to “make more Italians to save Italy’s culture,” a particular focus of the Meloni government.

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Meloni has been a strong opponent of surrogacy, which is criminalized in Italy, but there was no mention of Musk’s own recent children born of surrogacy.

The owner of X (formerly called Twitter) was slightly rumpled with what could easily be argued the least stylish shoes in the mostly Italian crowd since Donald Trump’s often unkempt former top adviser Steve Bannon appeared at the conference in 2018.
Meloni sat in the front row taking photos of Musk, who she personally invited. Meloni founded the Atreju conference in 1998, named after a character in the 1984 film “The NeverEnding Story.”

Elon Musk was star guest this year at an annual conference organized by Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party.
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He arrived against the backdrop of an ice-skating rink and an ancient castle in Rome with one of his 11 children to tout the value of procreation.

Italy has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, and Musk urged the crowd to “make more Italians to save Italy’s culture,” a particular focus of the Meloni government.

Meloni has been a strong opponent of surrogacy, which is criminalized in Italy, but there was no mention of Musk’s own recent children born of surrogacy.

The owner of X (formerly called Twitter) was slightly rumpled with what could easily be argued the least stylish shoes in the mostly Italian crowd since Donald Trump’s often unkempt former top adviser Steve Bannon appeared at the conference in 2018.
Meloni sat in the front row taking photos of Musk, who she personally invited. Meloni founded the Atreju conference in 1998, named after a character in the 1984 film “The NeverEnding Story.”
Eddie Jones says rugby fans are frustrated by fussy officiating and stop-start games which he believes is having a negative effect on crowd behaviour. The Australia head coach has been booed repeatedly at the World Cup when his face appears on the big screen and he is concerned that rugby’s values of fairness and tolerance are being eroded.
This has not been an easy tournament for Jones, whose side must wait until this weekend for their pool qualification fate to be decided. Disappointing defeats by Fiji and Wales mean Australia will likely fail to make the knockout stages for the first time but Jones says the sport’s authorities also need to consider the bigger picture.

Wallabies head coach Eddie Jones is relying on Portugal beating Fiji to salvage Australia’s disastrous Rugby World Cup campaign.
Clock ticks with Eddie Jones and Wallabies in Rugby World Cup purgatory
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“The way the game is being refereed is causing crowd problems,” Jones said in the wake of his side’s 34-14 win against Portugal. “I am of the firm opinion that we are destroying the flow of the game. We have got so many stoppages now … we had a TMO for everything.

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Eddie Jones says rugby fans are frustrated by fussy officiating and stop-start games which he believes is having a negative effect on crowd behaviour. The Australia head coach has been booed repeatedly at the World Cup when his face appears on the big screen and he is concerned that rugby’s values of fairness and tolerance are being eroded.
This has not been an easy tournament for Jones, whose side must wait until this weekend for their pool qualification fate to be decided. Disappointing defeats by Fiji and Wales mean Australia will likely fail to make the knockout stages for the first time but Jones says the sport’s authorities also need to consider the bigger picture.

Wallabies head coach Eddie Jones is relying on Portugal beating Fiji to salvage Australia’s disastrous Rugby World Cup campaign.
Clock ticks with Eddie Jones and Wallabies in Rugby World Cup purgatory
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“The way the game is being refereed is causing crowd problems,” Jones said in the wake of his side’s 34-14 win against Portugal. “I am of the firm opinion that we are destroying the flow of the game. We have got so many stoppages now … we had a TMO for everything.


Eddie Jones says rugby fans are frustrated by fussy officiating and stop-start games which he believes is having a negative effect on crowd behaviour. The Australia head coach has been booed repeatedly at the World Cup when his face appears on the big screen and he is concerned that rugby’s values of fairness and tolerance are being eroded.
This has not been an easy tournament for Jones, whose side must wait until this weekend for their pool qualification fate to be decided. Disappointing defeats by Fiji and Wales mean Australia will likely fail to make the knockout stages for the first time but Jones says the sport’s authorities also need to consider the bigger picture.

Wallabies head coach Eddie Jones is relying on Portugal beating Fiji to salvage Australia’s disastrous Rugby World Cup campaign.
Clock ticks with Eddie Jones and Wallabies in Rugby World Cup purgatory
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“The way the game is being refereed is causing crowd problems,” Jones said in the wake of his side’s 34-14 win against Portugal. “I am of the firm opinion that we are destroying the flow of the game. We have got so many stoppages now … we had a TMO for everything.

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Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the fascinating area of software expansion and technology. Here, we traverse the latest trends, breakthroughs, and innovations that are shaping the subsequent of digital landscapes. From cutting-edge programming languages to transformative software applications, we be enough a blue spectrum of topics designed to enlighten both tech enthusiasts and bustle professionals. Tie us as we navigate during the complexities of software engineering, unravel the secrets of prominent software deployment, and review the collide with of technology on our every day lives. Whether you're a established developer, a tech-savvy individual, or simply odd helter-skelter the ever-evolving cosmos of software, our blog is your go-to source for insightful, delightful, and informative content. Stay tuned in the interest regular updates and dive heavy into the planet of software with us!

A Virgin Atlantic plane fueled only by sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) completed a London-to-New York journey. The plane carried Virigin’s founder Richard Branson.

This shows that airlines are trying to be more environmentally friendly and cut emissions, but they need government support. The biggest challenges with SAF are high costs and limited materials for SAF production. SAF is three to five times more expensive than regular fuel, and currently, it represents less than 0.1% of global jet fuel. Airlines would like to cut emissions by 70%, but large-scale production is difficult. The flight was the first flight to use 100% SAF, but the process of reducing emissions is much slower than in the car industry.

Difficult words: sustainable aviation fuel (fuel which does not use petroleum), challenge (a problem or difficulty), large-scale (involving many people or things).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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A Virgin Atlantic plane fueled only by sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) completed a London-to-New York journey. The plane carried Virigin’s founder Richard Branson.
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This shows that airlines are trying to be more environmentally friendly and cut emissions, but they need government support. The biggest challenges with SAF are high costs and limited materials for SAF production. SAF is three to five times more expensive than regular fuel, and currently, it represents less than 0.1% of global jet fuel. Airlines would like to cut emissions by 70%, but large-scale production is difficult. The flight was the first flight to use 100% SAF, but the process of reducing emissions is much slower than in the car industry.

Difficult words: sustainable aviation fuel (fuel which does not use petroleum), challenge (a problem or difficulty), large-scale (involving many people or things).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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Jogel — это спортивный бренд, занимающийся выпуском качественной и стильной продукции для любителей и профессионалов. Миссией бренда является борьба за социальную справедливость в спорте.
Мы Официальный дилер Jogel — профессионалы в области оптовых продаж спортивной экипировки, игровой формы и мячей. Мы всегда готовы ответить на все ваши вопросы и проконсультировать по товару, наличию на складе и датам поставок. Мы работаем для вас

Jogel — это спортивный бренд, занимающийся выпуском качественной и стильной продукции для любителей и профессионалов. Миссией бренда является борьба за социальную справедливость в спорте.
Мы Официальный дилер Jogel — профессионалы в области оптовых продаж спортивной экипировки, игровой формы и мячей. Мы всегда готовы ответить на все ваши вопросы и проконсультировать по товару, наличию на складе и датам поставок. Мы работаем для вас

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