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Existing user Just click login.As BroadwayWorld previously reported, China s movie theaters began to reopen on Monday following a six month shutdown. This afternoon, authorities in Dalian quickly made the choice to shut theaters down again after a new cluster of COVID-19 cases were reported in the city.LATEST NEWSVideo: Inside PIRATES! THE PENZANCE MUSICAL RehearsalDurrell Tank Babbs to Join HELL S KITCHEN as Davis Video: Rachel Potter and Natalie Weiss Perform LES MISERABLES MashupWake Up With BroadwayWorld February 28, 2025On Wednesday, an employee at seafood processing factory tested positive for the virus. After tracking the individual, officials discovered two new cases and a dozen additional asymptomatic carriers.Following the discovery, all scheduled screenings were canceled and ticket sales were suspended. Refunds will be issued for over the 9,000 tickets sold to excited stanley cup movie fans. There is no word as to when cinemas can resume operations in the city.The China Film Administration announced last week that movie theaters in low-risk areas could reopen on Monday with a precautions in place, including face mask requirements, temperature checks, and a 30% cap of capacity. Eating and drinking in the theater is also prohibited.Ticket sales for Monday s box office surpassed 2.8 million stanley cup yuan $400,000 just before 5 pm local time.Films that sold the most presale tickets were A First Farewell, Pixar s Coco, and Sheep stanley cup Without A Shepherd.Museums, cultural centers, and othe Qrxn Hayes Theater Box Office Opens 2/13 for LOBBY HERO, First Ten Buyers Get Sneak Peek at Renovated Theatre
Existing user Just click login.LATEST NEWSDurrell Tank Babbs to Join HELL S KITCHEN as Davis Video: Rachel Potter and Natalie Weiss Perform LES MISERABLES MashupWake Up With BroadwayWorld February 28, 2025Photos: SUMO at The Public TheaterTomorrow, December 7th, Mu stanley cup seum of the City of New York will ceremonially unveil their newly restored his stanley cup toric nickel bronze statues of two legendary New Yorkers, Alexander Hamilton and Dewitt Clinton, designed three quarters of a century ago for the Museum by noted sculptor Adolph Alexander Weinman 1870-1952 .For the occasion, the Museum will be joined by three stars of the immensely popular Broadway show, Hamilton: Jevon McFerrin, Lexi Lawson, and Anthony Lee Medina.These statues have graced the Museum s grand Fifth Avenue terrace entrance for more than 75 years and are returning from their first ever conservation treatment since installation in 1941. stanley cup The conservation was completed by Conservation Solutions, Inc. and made possible by American Express and its commitment to historic preservation.Alexander Hamilton and DeWitt Clinton both played pivotal roles in shaping New York City. Hamilton embodies the rich and turbulent Revolutionary era city as New York s iconic Founding Father and Clinton is remembered as the visionary behind the Erie Canal. Both are key fixtures in New York at Its Core, the Museum s signature permanent exhibition, which chronicles all 400-plus years of New York City history - and offers an insightful and comprehen
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Existing user Just click login.Good morning, BroadwayWorld!Yesterday, the nominees for the 2020 Tony Awards were announced! Jagged Little Pill leads with 15 noms. Did your favorite get nominated Check out the full list below, as well as reactions from some of the nominees!Read more about this and other top stories below!Want our morning reports delivered via email Subscribe here! stanley cup 1 Will Aaron Tveit Automatically Win stanley cup a Tony Award Tonys stanley cup time is here and this morning s announcement has left one question on the minds of theatre lovers everywhere. Will Aaron Tveit automatically win a Tony Award The Moulin Rouge! star earned his first nomination this morning as the only person in his category- Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical. So does this mean he will definitely take home a Tony Not necessarily.... more... 2 2020 Tony Awards Nominees - Jagged Little Pill Leads with 15 Noms!Tony time is here at last! Earlier today, Tony Award winner James Monroe Iglehart announced the nominations for the 2020 Tony Awards, which included work from eighteen eligible shows- all of which opened before Broadway shutdown on March 12. Check out the nominees and follow us throughout the day for even more coverage straight from the nominees! . more... 3 2020 Tony Awards - The Nominees React!Earlier today, Tony winner James Monroe Iglehart announced the nominees for the 2020 Tony Awards and BroadwayWorld will be bringing you their reactions all day. Be sure to check back later for Ypgw Photos: Huey Lewis Greets Fans at THE HEART OF ROCK ROLL Box Office Opening
Existing user Just click login.An English-language musical inspired by Quebecer Michel Tremblay s play Les Belles-soeurs, is hoping to head to Broadway, according to Montreal Gazette.LATEST NEWSWake Up With BroadwayWorld February 28, 2025Photos: SUMO at The stanley cup Public TheaterCheyenne Jackson Joins Cast of Indie Coming-of-Age Film CHINESE SCHOOLReview Roundup: DAKAR 2000 Manhattan Theatre Club World PremiereA full-cast staged reading of the musical, led by Keala Settle, will be held on Monday afternoon at the 52nd Street Project. The reading will determine in the musical will hit the Great White Way.The production had its world premi猫re in Montreal in 2014 and toured Canada shortly after.Les Belles took a step toward Broadway last November when Fonds Capital Culture Qu茅bec FCCQ announced an investment in the theatrical production company formed by Allan Sandler and Andy Nulman, the team bringing the show to the stage.Also attached to the project are genera stanley cup l manager and executive producer Eva Price, and director Sarna Lapine.Les Belles-soeurs is set in the kitchen of an apartment in 1960s workin stanley cup g-class Montreal. It tells the tale of a housewife who discovers that winning a jackpot can be a mixed blessing: Germaine Lauzon strikes it rich trading stamps, only to discover the corrosive force of envy.The musical is an adaptation, not a translation, with Brian Hill and Neil Bartram adapting the book, as well as the music and lyrics.Read more on Montreal Gazette.RELATED STORIES1 alt=
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AP Photo/John BazemoreLos Angeles Angels designated hitter Shohei Ohtani reacts after being hit by a pitch from Atlanta Braves starting pitcher Charlie Morton in the first inning of a baseball game Monday, July 31, 2023, in Atlanta. AP11:31 JST,ensp;August 1, 2023ATLANTA AP 鈥?Luis Rengifo, Randal Grichuk and Chad Wallach hit solo homers off Charlie Morton, Chase Silseth won his second straight start and the Los Angeles Angel stanley cup s cooled off the major league-leading Atlanta Braves with a 4-1 victory on Monday night.Matt Olson NL-best 36th homer and major league-leading 89th RBI made it 2-1 in the fifth, helping the Braves join the 2019 Minnesota Twins as the only teams with 200 long balls before August. Atlanta began the game with 31 more homers than the Los Angeles Dodgers, the stanley tumblers No. 2 team.The Braves 67-37 were coming off a three-game sweep of Milwaukee in which they scored 29 runs and went deep 11 times.Los Angeles two-way superstar Shohei Ohtani, t stanley cup he 2021 AL MVP and the majors ; homer leader with 39, went 2 for 3. He was hit by a pitch in the first and intentionally walked in the second. He ripped a single 113.3 mph to right in the fourth, singled off A.J. Minter in the seventh and was robbed of a three-run homer by center fielder Michael Harris II in the ninth.AP Photo/John BazemoreLos Angeles Angels ; Shohei Ohtani hits a single in the fourth inning of a baseball game against the Atlanta Braves, Monday, July 31, 2023, in Atlanta. Harris timed his leap at

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CNN 鈥?While Sen. Ted Cruz was dealing with the fallout from his trip to Cancun, two of his Democratic political nemeses 鈥?Beto ORourke and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 鈥?raised mon stanley mug ey and offered resources to Texans hit hard by this weeks winter storm.Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic congresswoman from New York who has聽frequently sparred with Cruz, launched a fundraiser on Twitter and raised $1 million by Thursday evening. Wow. We officially raised $1 million for Texas relief at 9:17pm., 聽she tweeted.聽 Thank you all so much. Folded hands Im at a loss for words. Always in awe of movement work. By Friday, she聽tweeted, that figure had risen to $2 million and she announced she was going to fly to Houston to join with Texas Rep. Sylvia Garcia to distribute supplies. Ocasio-Cortez is using Act Blue stanley termosky to fundraise, a Democratic fundraising tool that helps her build an email listserv as she receives donations.Meanwhile, ORourke, who unsuccessfully challenged Cruz in the Texas 2018 Senate race, ran a virt stanley cup usa ual phone bank to contact senior citizens in Texas, to connect them with resources during the disaster. BIG THANKS to the volunteers who made over 784,000 phone calls to senior citizens in Texas today, 聽he tweeted.聽 You helped to connect them with water, food, transportation, and shelter. And you made sure that they knew we were thinking about them and that they matter to us. The efforts聽came after Cruz聽flew to Cancun as a winter disaster unfolded in his home state, leaving millions withou Whtm Hazard to Democracy / Not Just U.S. As Conspiracy Theories Reach Small German State
Washington Post photos by Michael S. WilliamsonAt top, McPherson Square in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 11, 2023. At bottom, the same view on May 7, 2023, after the homeless people were cleared out and the park was refurbished. The Washington Post / Theresa Vargas14:02 JST,ensp;July 6, 2023The people and the tents where they lived are gone from McPherso stanley termosy n Square.That means when tourists and area residents now pass by the park in Washington, D.C. a short walk from the White House they no longer have to see what it looks like to live without housing in the nation capital.They can sit on an open bench and not think about the body that curled up there the night before as rats scurried by.They can walk along the sidewalk to get lunch without having to consider whether the people they pass might be hungry.They can leave the park feeling good and believing the city has its chronic homelessness problem under control.Except it doesn ;t.That cleared park is not a success story. It only appears that way if you don ;t look too closely.A success story would have meant that all, or at least most, of the people who were living in that park were provided housing before workers tossed what wasn ;t packed and carried away into a trash c stanley mug ompactor. A success story would have meant that city officials had invested enough in mental he stanley termohrnek alth care, affordable housing and opportunities for people with criminal records to offer people who lived in that park a real chan

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WASHINGTON AP 鈥?Chances are likely slim, but what about a Donald Trump-Bernie Sanders debate heading into the crucial June 7 California primary That possibility surfaced Wednesday, even if in a jocular tone, in an indirect exchange between the Republican billionaire real estate mogul and the senator who Hillary Clinton hasnt been able to bump from the Democratic presidential sweep stanley cup stakes.On ABCs Jimmy Kimmel Live, Trump said he enjoyed watching Clintons increasingly heated sparring with Sanders. I had no idea it was going to be so nasty, said Trump, who said hed be happy to engage Sanders in a one-on-one debate 鈥?as long as significant money stanley uk goes to charity.Sanders said on Twitter hed welcome that. Game on. I look forward to debating Donald Trump in California before the June 7 primary. Copyright c 2024 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Join our Newsletter for the latest news right to your inboxTrending7WEATHER: Roller coaster rideBoston Red Sox Spring Training Schedule 鈥?including games airing on 7Court releases redacted copy of defense motion to dismiss charges against Karen ReadMayor Wu preparing to head to D.C. to defend Boston immigration enforcement policiesSocial Security Administration could cut up to 50% of its workforceWhat to know about the lives and deaths o stanley mug f Hollywood icon Gene Hackman and wife Betsy Arakawa Ekio Alabama man sentenced in kidnapping of woman who escaped car trunk
Washington Post photo by Jonathan NewtonThe Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft rolls out to a launchpad for a test launch at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., on May 18, 2022.The Washington Post12:41 JST,ensp;June 2, 2023Boeing first flight with astronauts on its Starliner spacecraft is going to be delayed yet again, this time because of ongoing issues with the design of the capsule parachute system and tape inside the spacecraft that the company recently discovered was flammable, Boeing and NASA said Thursday.The announcement i stanley hrnek s the latest setback for a beleaguered program that has suffered years of technical problems stuck valves, a fuel leak and serious software malfunctions that have delayed its first crewed flight by years, sent its costs soaring and harmed its reputation as a premier space-faring company.Ten years after it was awarded a $4.2 billion contract by NASA, the company has yet to fly any NASA astronauts to the International Space Station. And late last year, the company said it had to take another charge for the program against earnings, bringing the total to nearly $900 million in sunk costs.Under the original contract, each company was awarded six flights each. Given the delay, SpaceX will have completed all six before Boeing flies its stanley de first.The bottom line here is saf stanley cup ety is always our top priority, Mark Nappi, Boeing Starliner program manager, said during a briefing with reporters. 82
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Existing user Just click login.Tony Award-winner Lea Salonga and pal Tony-nominee, Jeremy Jordan, have blessed us with a virtual duet! Check out the duo below teaming up on Almost Paradise from the musical Footloose!LATEST NEWSDurrell Tank Babbs to Join HELL S KITCHEN as Davis Video: Rachel Potter and Natalie Weiss Perform LES MISERABLES MashupWake Up With BroadwayWorld February 28, 2025Photos: SUMO at The Public TheaterLea Salonga is an award-winning actress and singer renown across the world for her powerful voice and perfect pitch. She is best known for her Tony Awar stanley cup d winning role in Miss Saigon. In addition to the Tony, she has won the Olivier, Drama Desk, Outer Critics Circle and Theatre World Awar stanley cup ds in the field of musical theatre. She was also the first Asian to play Eponine in the musical Les Mis茅rables on Broadway. She later returned to the beloved show as Fantine in the 2006 revival and reprised both roles in the 10th and 25th Anniversary concerts. Many fans of all ages recognize Lea as the singing voice of Princess Jasmine from Aladdin and Fa Mulan for Mulan and Mulan II. For her portrayal of the beloved princesses, the Walt Disney Company bestowed her with the honor of Disney Legend .Jeremy Jordan recently starred on Broadway opposite Kerry Washington in the provocative new play, American Son, and then reprised his role in the Netflix film adaptation of the show. Next up is his lead role as seminal record producer and Casablanca stanley cup Records founder Neil Bogart Tfxz Photo Flash: Inside Opening Night of Transport Group s PICNIC and COME BACK, LITTLE SHEBA
Existing user Just click login.WAR PAINT, the new Broadway musical about cosmetic doyennes Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubinstein, earned four Tony nominations, including for its stars, Christine Ebersole and Patti LuPone. This Sunday, CBS SUNDAY MORNING s Richard Schlesinger sits down with the actresses, along with author Lindy Woodhead, in a behind-the-scenes story. The show airs Sundays 9:00-10:30 AM, ET . Check out a first look below!LATEST NEWSDurrell Tank Babbs to Join HELL S KITCHEN as Davis Video: Rachel Potter and Natalie Weiss Perform LES MISERABLES MashupWake Up With BroadwayWorld February 28, 2025Photos: SUMO at The Public TheaterWar Paint tells the remarkable story of cosmetics titans Helena Rubinstein Patti LuPone and Elizabeth Arden Christine Ebersole , who defined beauty standards for the first half of the 20th Century.B stanley deutschland rilliant innovators with humble roots, both women were masters of self-invention who sacrificed everything to become the country s first major female entr stanley cup epreneurs. They were also fierce competitors, wh stanley cup ose 50-year tug-of-war would give birth to an industry that would forever change the face of America. From Fifth Avenue society to the halls of Congress, their intense rivalry was ruthless, relentless and legendary- pushing both women to build international empires in a world dominated by men.Click here for a preview!RELATED STORIES1 alt= Video: Rachel Potter and Natalie Weiss Perform LES MISERABLES Mashup Photo ezimgfmt= rs rscb119 src

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Existing user Just click login.Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand star in stanley cup Joel Coen s bold and fierce adaptation-a tale of murder, madness, ambition, and wrathful cunning. The Tragedy of Macbeth is now playing in select theaters and will premiere globally on Apple TV+ on January 14, 2022.Watch the new trailer for the film below!Apple Original Films presents an A24 and IAC Films production, The Tragedy of stanley cup Macbeth, based on the play by William Shakespeare and written for the screen and directed by Joel Coen. The film stars Denzel Washington, Frances McDormand, Bertie Carvel, Alex Hassell, Corey Hawkins, Harry Melling and Brendan Gleeson. The producers are Joel Coen, Frances McDormand and Robert Graf. The film features casting by Ellen Chenoweth, music by Carter Burwell, costumes by Mary Zophres, editing by Lucian Johnston and stanley cup Reginald Jaynes, production design by Stefan Dechant and cinematography by Bruno Delbonnel.Apple TV+ offers premium, compelling drama and comedy series, feature films, groundbreaking documentaries, and kids and family entertainment, and is available to watch across all your favorite screens. After its launch on November 1, 2019, Apple TV+ became the first all-original streaming service to launch around the world, and has premiered more original hits and received more award recognitions faster than any other streaming service in its debut. To date, Apple Original films, documentaries, and series have been honored with 183 wins and 702 awards nominat Usov Patti LuPone Reveals She Auditioned for Cinderella for the Original INTO THE WOODS
Existing user Just click login.ABC Breaking News | Latest stanley cup News VideosABC Breaking News | Latest News VideosNewlyweds Mark Ballas and B.C. Jean appeared live on GMA this morning. The couple chatted with host Lara Spencer about the exciting events that took place throughout 2016, before performing the holiday classic, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. Watch the clips below!Mark Ballas recently made his Broadway debut in the iconic role of Frankie Valli in the long-running musical JERSEY BOYS. For the past 18 season stanley cup s, the Emmy nominee has captivated more than 20 million viewers per week on ABC s hit show Dancing with the Stars. He is a two-time champion, nine-time finalis stanley cup t and he earned a 2011 Emmy nomination for his work on the show.In the U.K., Mark appeared in the national tour of Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story and took the lead role of Tony, Off West End, in Copacabana. He also played Judas, Off West End, in Jesus Christ Superstar and Benjamin in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Mark currently performs in the duo Alexander Jean with fianc茅e BC Jean. The team s single Roses and Violets and debut EP Head High both debuted at 1 on iTunes Singer/Songwriter chart. They have recently completed a 20 date U.S. tour.Photo courtesy of ABCRELATED STORIES1 alt= Video: Rachel Potter and Natalie Weiss Perform LES MISERABLES Mashup Photo ezimgfmt= rs rscb119 src ng ngcb118 class=ezlazyload data-ezsrc=https://broadwayworld/ezoimgfmt/cloudimages.broadwayworld/columnpiccloud/20020
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